FerroControl premium Repair services

Elumatec Equipment

Focus On Quality

Machines manufactured by elumatec are only put on the market if they meet our high standards in terms of reliability, efficiency, and accuracy.

Using Ferrocontrol Components

Products manufactured with Elumatec machines have to meet high standards of quality and safety. This can only be achieved if the machines set benchmarks in terms of quality – and this requirement is in the focus of our attention.

elumatec ferrocontrol repair

Ferrocontrol equipment offered in:

Mitre saws
TS 161
MGS 72
MGS 73
MGS 105
MGS 142
MGS 245

Double mitre saws
DG 79
DG 104
DG 142
DG 244

Notching saws
AKS 134

Vee-notch and cut off saws
KS 101

Automatic saws
SA 73
SA 142
SAS 142
SAP 650

Glazing bead saw
GLS 192

End milling machines
AF 221
AF 222
AF 223

Single spindle copy routers
AS 70
AS 170

Multi spindle copy routers
KF 78
KF 178

Template free copy router
SLK 118

Automatic water slot routers
WSF 74
WSD 76

Router and triple spindle drill
GF 171

Length stop and measuring systems
MMS 100
MMS 200
AMS 200

Profile machining centres
SBZ 122/33
SBZ 122/35
SBZ 122/64
SBZ 130
SBZ 131
SBZ 140
SBZ 150
SBZ 151
SBZ 607
SBZ 608
SBZ 609
SBZ 610
SBZ 615
SBZ 620
SBZ 630

Corner crimpers
EP 120
EP 124
EP 424

Welding machines
Single head welding machines
ES 710
ES 701
Multi head welding machines
ZS 720
DS 703
VS 704

Corner cleaning machines
EV 832
EV 834

Welding and corner cleaning production lines
SVL 785

Reinforcement screwdriver systems
ADS 259


Elumatic Equipment using Ferrocontrol